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Zavtra.UA is the first private large scale scholarship program in Ukraine. Since 2006, it has contributed to forming a new generation of citizens and leaders that will change the country. Over 2660 young Ukrainians have become part of the Zavtra.UA community in the decade since the program’s launch.

We select the most talented students of Ukraine and provide them with financial support to allow them to concentrate on their education. Support is also provided for projects to change society (80 individual and 150 group projects supported up to now); and for developing skills, networking, exchange of experience and information.

Zavtra.UA scholarship holders are selected annually in an open nationwide competition. All years students studying full time in their third to sixth year can participate. Academic excellence, leadership qualities, communication skills and the desire and ability to contribute to transforming Ukraine are among the selection criteria.

Selected Zavtra.UA scholarship holders also have an opportunity to communicate with international leaders and get infused with their ideas at the Annual Meetings of Yalta European Strategy (YES), and Public Lectures of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation with political, business and thought leaders like, for example, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Shimon Peres, Colin Powell, Kofi Annan, Condoleezza Rice, Muhammad Yunus, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, and New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman.

Zavtra.UA in facts and numbers in 18 years of operation

  • More than 2660 students from all over Ukraine have become Zavtra.UA scholars. 
  • 90 Ukraine’s leading universities have become the programme’s partners. 
  • UAH 31 830 360 is the amount of the Zavtra.UA scholarship fund. 
  • UAH 3727 is the monthly scholarship granted during a year. 
  • 11 all-Ukrainian Zavtra.UA Youth Forums, 3 Climate Change Camp and 4 YOU Camp initiatives have been held.
  • More than 150 social projects implemented that were developed by scholars to address society and youth related topical issues. 
  • 80 individual projects and initiatives have been supported that were focused on personal growth and professional development of scholars.
  • More than 130 meetings with Ukraine’s and global speakers have been held.

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TV-report about 11th Forum of scholarship programs


TV-report about 11th Forum of scholarship programs


TV-report about 11th Forum of scholarship programs


TV-report about 11th Forum of scholarship programs

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The Victor Pinchuk Foundation launches Zavtra.UA Scholarship program 2024/2025 selection


Фонд Віктора Пінчука 23 жовтня 2024 року розпочав 19-й конкурс Стипендіальної програми «Завтра.UA». Загальнонаціональна програма підтримки талановитої молоді «Завтра.UA» покликана сприяти формуванню та зміцненню нового покоління інтелектуальної та ділової еліти України. Фонд обирає найталановитіших студентів України та надає їм фінансову, експертну та інформаційну підтримку.

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation launches Zavtra.UA Scholarship program 2023/2024 selection


On October 23, 2023, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation launched the 18th competition of the Zavtra.UA Scholarship Program. The nationwide program to support talented young people, Zavtra.UA, aims to foster and strengthen the next generation of Ukraine's intellectual and business elite. The Foundation selects the most talented students of Ukraine and provides them with financial, expert and informational support.

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation has announced the winners of the Zavtra.UA 2023 / 2023 scholarship program


54 students have become the winners of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation's Zavtra.UA competition 2022/23 and joined the community of the program's scholarship holders.

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