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10.11.2011 - Opening of the exhibition “Shoah by Bullets: the Mass Shootings of Jews in Ukraine 1941-1944” in Kharkiv

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Images provided by Oleksandr Feldman Foundation.

The Exhibition “Shoah by Bullets: Mass shootings of Jews in Ukraine 1941–1944” in Kharkov
The first visitors of the Exhibition
The Exhibition “Shoah by Bullets: Mass shootings of Jews in Ukraine 1941–1944” in Kharkov
The first visitors of the Exhibition
The first visitors of the Exhibition
The first visitors of the Exhibition
The first visitors of the Exhibition
Official opening of the Exhibition “Shoah by Bullets: Mass shootings of Jews in Ukraine 1941–1944” in Kharkov
Alexander Feldman, philanthropist (right)
The woman of God Olga Devyatko and Alexander Feldman
2nd Secretary Embassy of Israel David Mamistvalov
The chief rabbi of Kharkov Moishe Moscovici, Lyudmila Davidova, Boris Feldman and Alexander Feldman
The first visitors of the Exhibition
David Mamistvalov, Tatyana Bogila and Anatoly Podolsky
Boris Feldman, Chairman of the Council of Founders of "AVEC and Ko" Concern"
Boris Feldman, Chairman of the Council of Founders of "AVEC and Ko" Concern"
The woman of God Nina Frass
The women of God Olga Devyatko and Nina Frass
The woman of God Nina Frass
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