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Zavtra.UA: NEWS


Victor Pinchuk Foundation’s Zavtra.UA Scholarship Programme Has Supported the International Children Project “International Village”

On June 22 through 29, 2017, with the support of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation’s Zavtra.UA scholarship programme, the first international children project, International Village, took place in Carpathians. The event was initiated and held by the youth organisation “Youth Inititative of Cities” whose members are scholars of Zavtra.UA scholarship programme. Action-West-Ost and Olsztyńskie stowarzyszenie mniejszości niemieckiej w Olsztynie have joined as co-organisers.

The project’s goal is to build an intercultural dialogue between youth of the EU and Ukraine, support for displaced children of Ukraine and their integration into the European young community, changing stereotypes on the situation in the country, creation of a space to learn various languages and develop European values.

16 young leaders from Europe and 44 children from Ukraine, Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland and Moldova took part in the project, among them, displaced children from the East of Ukraine and Crimea and children of military.

In the framework of the project, the participants discovered Ukrainian culture and built a real international village, MOTAIKA. Children from different countries worked on the common goal: developing the village, creating a real community, civil society.

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TV report about implementation of “Nature Reserve -2012” project by Zavtra.UA scholarship holders in the State Historical and Cultural Reserve of Dubno (STB)


Official video of “Believe in Yourself in Ukraine” project by Zavtra.UA scholarship holders


14.05.2012 - TV-report of the 5th "Zavtra.UA" Youth Forum (STB)


15.05.2012 - TV-report of the 5th "Zavtra.UA" Youth Forum (ICTV)

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