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World’s leading neonatologists will share their experience with Ukrainian homologues at the Victor Pinchuk Foundation’s 8th academic and practice conference

On November 7 through 9, 2016, in Kyiv, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation’s project “Cradles of Hope” is holding the eighth academic and practice conference, on the subject: “Development of Neonatology at the modern stage”. The event’s goal is to make the Ukrainian neonatologists familiar with the up-to-date trends in the preterm born babies nursery.

It is already for 10 years that the Cradles of Hope project, in addition to providing the centres for help to newborn with modern equipment, has been undertaking systemic efforts to train doctors and nurses in world's best methods of children nursing. In the framework of this project, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation is contributing to the introduction of the newest techniques and practices on the way of reforming the motherhood and childhood care in Ukraine.

Tetiana Znamenska, chief visiting neonatologist at the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, President of the Association of Neonatologists of Ukraine: «In the course of reforming of the healthcare system, the standardisation of the medical care is of the utmost importance, so that we speak the same professional language with our western colleagues. The issue of taking care of the children born with a critically low weight and children having perinatal pathologies is of sharpest relevance. This is why it is very important to have the follow-up observation system that allows identifying issues with the babies' health at early stages approved and implemented. This will help reduce the disability and mortality rate. Thanks to the fact that experts of the best hospitals of the world are attending the conference, we will have an opportunity to set a direct dialogue with them, compare our approaches and learn new methods in this field».

Leading international specialists in neonatology from Austria, Great Britain, Netherlands, Germany, the USA, France and Switzerland are among the invited speakers at the conference. 120 doctors of newborn intensive care units from all the regions of Ukraine and representatives of specialised departments of the national medical schools are taking part in the event.

This year, the speakers at the conference are: professor Christoph Buhrer (Charité, Berlin, Germany); professor Daniele de Luca (Hopitaux Paris Sud, Paris, France); doctor Quen Mok (Clinic Children’s Hospital, London, UK); doctor Nikk Connemann (Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Netherlands); doctor Martin Wald (Wels-Grieskirchen Hospital, Austria); professor Aaron Hamvas (Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital, Chicago, USA); professor Jeffrey Gerdes and PhD in medical science Marsha Gerdes ( Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania University, Philadelphia, USA), doctor Vera Bernet-Herrmann (head of Neonatology Department at University Children’s Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland).

A wide range of specialised subjects is addressed at the conference, related to medical care for premature newborn babies. These include, among others, care of patients with complex respiratory distress, specificity of use of various respiratory support techniques, amplitude integrated electroencephalography, enteral and parental feeding, follow-up study on premature neonatals etc. Additionally, the Newborn Individualised Developmental Care and Assessment Programme (NIDCAP) will be presented to the audience, and master classes will be held.

Video records of the reports will be published on the web sites of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation and the Neonatologists Association of Ukraine for the wide access and use by Ukrainian doctors.

General partner: N.Z.Techno

Media partner: ICTV

Partners: Nutricia, Amaxa

Cradles of Hope is the major programme of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in the field of healthcare. It’s strategic goal is preserving lives and health for each baby born in Ukraine. The Foundation launched the programme implementation in June 2006. Since its establishment, the Foundation has opened 32 Cradles of Hope centres at medical institutions in 23 regions of Ukraine, provided with the top-notch medical equipment for newborn rescue and nursing. More than 35 500 children have been saved thanks to the equipment of the Cradles of Hope centres. The Foundation has organised 28 training events that have encompassed 1 163 Ukrainian doctors and nurses.

The Cradles of Hope programme implies:

  • establishment of the nation-wide network of centres of help to newborn, provided with the most up-to-date and best quality equipment;
  • respective professional training of the centres’ staff. Trainings, seminars, visiting conferences are organized as part of the programme, involving best specialists from Ukraine, near and far abroad;
  • efforts to establish a professional community specialised in help to newborn.

The Cradles of Hope programme is characterised by the centres’ obligatory meeting the high working standards set through the involvement of the best specialists in this field for advice and expert help purposes as well as a continued monitoring of the institutions that are part of the programme. 

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