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10th Forum of Victor Pinchuk Foundation scholarship programs "Zavtra.UA" and "WorldWideStudies"

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Photographs provided by the PinchukArtCentre © 2016. Photographed by Valentіna Rostovіkova.

Victor Pinchuk, founder of educational programs "Zavtra.UA" and "WorldWideStudies"
Yulia Mostova, Mustafa Nayem, Olga Rudneva, Barbara Maronkova, Jerome Vacher
Guests of the 10th Forum of scholarship programs "Zavtra.UA" and "World Wide Studiеs"
Mustafa Nayyem, Member of the Parliament of Ukraine
Yuliya Mostova, Editor-in-Chief of the weekly magazine «Dzerkalo tyzhnya. Ukrayina»
Victor Pinchuk and winners of "Zavtra.UA" program
Yulia Mostova and Mykhailo Lazarev
Ksenia Uvarova, Mykhailo Lazarev, Lesya Turuk
Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine
Victor Pinchuk and Volodymyr Groisman
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, musician and opinion leader
Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, musician and opinion leader
Scholars of "Zavtra.UA" and "World Wide Studies" educational programs
Viktor Pinchuk, Volodymyr Groysman and winners of the "World Wide Studies" program
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Разработка украинского студента покорила Европу и Америку


У студентов появился шанс реализовать свою мечту


Начат набор стипендиатов по программе Завтра.UAa


Sevgil Musayeva, editor-in-chief of the Ukrayinska Pravda, at the YOU Camp

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ZAVTRA.UA Scholars Award Ceremony to Take Place on January 31


On 31 January the ZAVTRA.UA scholars award ceremony, sponsored by the Viktor Pinchuk Foundation, will be held at the Antonov Aeronautical Scientific-Technical Complex.

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Created and supported by: «Art Depo» Creative Agency