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Public Lectures: Photogallery

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Public lecture by Rudy Giuliani

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When using photos, please, note copyright information. Victor Pinchuk Foundation © 2017. Photographed by Sergey Illin

Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York City
Rudy Giuliani, Victor Pinchuk
Rudy Giuliani, Victor Pinchuk
Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York City
Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York City
Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York City
Oksana Kulakovska, director of the Kiev Center of UCU (left)
Visitors of the public lecture
Visitors of the public lecture
Visitors of the public lecture
Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York City
Visitors of the public lecture
Visitors of the public lecture
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A few informational advices from the historian and writer Neil Ferguson


TV-report about the Public lecture by Condoleezza Rice, STB


ICTV TV-report of Thomas Friedman Public lecture


STB TV-report of Thomas Friedman Public lecture

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Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, at the invitation of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, gave a Public Lecture “The Internet: Changing Tomorrow”


Jimmy Wales, founder of the Wikipedia, Wiki concept creator and a member of the Board of Trustees at Wikimedia Foundation, at the invitation of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, gave a public lecture on the topic “The Internet: Changing Tomorrow”

Dominique Strauss-Kahn at a lecture for students and business and political leaders in Kyiv: Europe and the world need anti-crisis policy based on economic solidarity


Despite some improvement in the global economy, the key threats are not eliminated, said former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Dominique Strauss-Kahn at a lecture for students and business and political leaders in Kyiv organized by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation

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