Public Lectures in 2007-2012
"Economic Future of Space Exploration for Ukraine and the World" by Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper
Public Lecture «Fighting powerty» by Mohammad Yunus
Lecture «Ukraine in the four speed world» by James Wolfensohn
Public Lecture with former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Joschka Fischer
Public Lecture with former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Joschka Fischer
Mikhail Khazin gave lecture to students
Saskia Bruysten talks to a young scholar
Scholarship winners at lecture
Saskia Bruysten gave lecture on social business
Jonas Ridderstrale gave lecture "Create your funky future" to young scholars
Jonas Ridderstrale gave lecture "Create your funky future" to young scholars
Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States
Bill Clinton signing autographs for the meeting attendants
Audience of the public meeting with Bill Clinton
Tony Blair's gives a public lecture to the students
Guests of the public lecture
Listeners of the Public Lecture
Listeners of the Public Lecture
Fred Bergsten, Director of the Peterson Institute for International Economics
Young people during public discussion with Chelsea Clinton
Chelsea Clinton and discussion participants
Tony Blair with the visitors to the public lecture
TV-report of the Public Lecture featuring Dominique Strauss-Kahn (STB)
TV-report of the Public Lecture featuring Dominique Strauss-Kahn (1+1)
TV-report of the Public Lecture featuring Dominique Strauss-Kahn (24 News Channel)
TV-report of the Public Lecture featuring Dominique Strauss-Kahn (ICTV)
Joschka Fischer, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Chancellor
of Germany (1998 - 2005), visited Kyiv on 16 April 2010 at the
invitation of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation
On Wednesday, March 31, former High Representative for Common Foreign
and Security Policy of the European Union (1999-2009) and Secretary
General of NATO (1995-1999) Javier Solana and the President of the
Brookings Institution and former Deputy Secretary of State of the USA
Strobe Talbott visited Ukraine upon invitation of the Victor Pinchuk
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