Укр Eng

14.04.2011 - Guests of the "Pride of the Country 2010" award ceremony

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Victor Pinchuk Foundation © 2011. Photographed by Sergei Illin

Volodymir and Vitaly Klitschko
Andrey Zhovtonog, "Child's courage" and "Nation hero" laureate with his brother
Ahmad Nawaz Salim MelaEmbassador of Pakistan in Ukraine
Oleg Tsibulskiy, "Outstanding examples of courage" laureate
Vladymir Bovgirya, "Power of spirit" laureate
Elena and Victor Pinchuk
Volodymir Yanenko, "The World Over" laureate, Nina Gaponenko and Aleksandr Kushka
Leonid Kuchma and Solomiya Lukyanets
Masha Efrosinina, host of the Ceremony
Leonid and Lyudmila Kuchma with Solomiya Lukyanets and her mother
Olga Kovalenko, "Doctor of the year" laureate
Volodymir and Vitaly Klitschko
Danil Romanenko, head of the Bogun Kiev Military Luceum
Arseniy Yatseniuk, "Front Zmin" party leader, and his wife
Aleksandr Kushka, Nina Gaponenko and little Valentin
Nina Gaponenko
Publisher Dmitry Gordon with children
Dariya Zevina, "Personal achievement" laureate
Volodymir Yanenko, "The World Over" laureate
Vera Remazhevskaya, "Sense of Duty" laureate
Solomiya Lukyanets, "Rare talent" laureate
Elena Grebenyuk, Ukraine National Opera soloist
Stella Zakharova, Olympic champion
Real-O pop group
Aleksandr Kushka
Singer Aleksandr Lominskiy and Alyona Vodonayeva
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