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Cradles of Hope: Photogallery

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01.06.2006 - Opening of the first «Cradles of hope» Centre in Chernygiv maternity hospital

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Героїчні ЗУСИЛЛЯ українських НЕОНАТОЛОГІВ. КОЛИСКИ НАДІЇ - ПРИКЛАД БОРОТЬБИ за життя найменших


Ukrainian doctors save premature babies during the war - Cradles of Hope program


Save premature babies during Covid-19 – Credles of Hope Program


Doctors in Ukraine continue to successfully nurse preterm babies – Credles of Hope Program

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At the conference of the Victor Pinchuk Foundation's Cradles of Hope programme, neonatologists from all regions of Ukraine discussed treatment and organisation of medical care for newborns


On 27-28 November 2024, the Victor Pinchuk Foundation's Cradles of Hope programme held the 15th international scientific and practical conference ‘Current Issues in the Treatment and Organization of Medical Care for Newborns’ in Kyiv.

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation has helped to repair medical equipment and donated supplies for the neonatal intensive care unit of the Uzhhorod Cradles of Hope centre


The Victor Pinchuk Foundation has covered the cost of repairing two artificial respiration devices, purchased 3 aspirators, 3 flow sensors and 50 pulse oximetry sensors for the intensive care unit of the perinatal centre of the Uzhhorod City Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital, amounting to UAH 128 760.

The Victor Pinchuk Foundation has covered the cost of repairing equipment and supplies for the Cradles of Hope centre in Chernivtsi


The Victor Pinchuk Foundation has provided support to the Cradles of Hope partner centre operating at the Chernivtsi Oblast Children's Clinical Hospital by covering the cost of repairing equipment and supplies for the newborn intensive care unit in the amount of UAH 167,160.

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Created and supported by: «Art Depo» Creative Agency